Animation loop for brainjar

When I was getting interviewed for Advanced Blockchain and Composable Finance, I was asked to make an animation for brainjar, and was left free to do whatever i want!

I was given a png of brainjar, and was told, as a test, I have to animate it however i want.

I had the deadline of 3 days and although they didn't want something really complicated, I as always went extra with it.

I took the png they gave me, cut it, cleaned it up, redrew what I needed redrawn, and here it is.

Needless to say, I passed the test and got the job B) .

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Other projects

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This is me!

My name is Khaled Farek, and I am a motion graphic designer and an animator, working closely with businesses and projects to create animated videos for marketing reasons, or purely creative ones.
I have an Engineering and a Master's degree in Computer science, but I decided to continue working in the thing I'm passionate about, everything MOTION!

My goal is to perfect my animation skills using different mediums, and to eventually collaborate with studios and animators and have the ability to work on bigger projects and films.

More About Me!

This Website was made by khaled farek in 2022, All rights are reserved.

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