In our third year in the higher school of computer science here in Algeria, Sidi Bel Abess, we were tasked to make a web application that is dedicated to making benifiting from the social donnations and compensations at work easier for the employee and the admin, giving the admin the ability to track the budget and where it's spent, and although I was responsable for the branding, UI/UX and the commercial video, and also had a hand in the conceptualisation and front-end Dev, we are focusing here on showcasing the commercial video and the the logo design.
presenting 2D elements from the website in a 3D space gave me more opportunity to focus on different parts of the web app each time and completely get the viewer's attention on the discussed part alone!
My name is Khaled Farek. I'm a Software Engineer turned Motion Graphic Designer and Illustrator, specializing in fintech and software marketing . I transform complex ideas into captivating visuals that are easily digestible for a normal user, helping market your Web3 projects effectively.
This Website was made by khaled farek in 2022, All rights are reserved.